Dior Oblique Embroidery Saddle Bag Replica is one of the most celebrated models that feature sophisticate ushering traditional taste into the contemporary world. Made of Oblique canvas which is the identity of Dior’s products. This bag marries tradition with fashion in its modernity with an added texture. Moreover, combined with the exquisite design of a special saddle shape and ‘D’ stirrup-shaped magnetic closure. Dior shows its determination to adhere to the principle of the integration of aesthetics and functionality. Additionally, the compactness of the bag provides enough pockets for the necessities in a day, including a phone, wallet, compact accessories, among others, and still has a simple shape.
The shoulder strap allows for the greatest possible convenience because it can be used as a shoulder bag or cross-body bag for casual and formal occasions. For further elegance of the fabric. It is combined with Dior Oblique canvas and antique gold-finish hardware to give it this timeless looks. As for workmanship, stitches give that design the brilliance that can confirm that Dior does not only care for fashion but also for the quality. Each piece is neatly sown as the Dior logo. Which is simple yet classy and would be fashionable to the lovers of fashion and classy designers.
Therefore, the Dior Oblique Embroidery Saddle Bag is in every facial aspect a tastefully elegant. Somehow business-like, multifunctional and really well done handbag. Its suitable for anyone in search of that traditional design. That comes with functional features of the present day. It’s an elegant accessory that brings the Parisian style into your closet.
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