Louis Vuitton x YK Multi Pochette Accessoires Monogram Replica is a colorful, limited edition product. That represents the unity of the classic LV style and the avant-garde spirit of the Yayoi Kusama collection. This accessory set is made in Monogram canvas and corresponds to Kusama’s famous dots in a catchy. Modern way referring to LV’s classic style. First and foremost, this versatile design allows the bag to be used for any purpose. The primary large pocket can be used together with or separately from other pockets. That may be worn on the individual’s style preference.
Furthermore each piece is well designed to sustain. The traditional approach of LV and at the same time incorporating the artistic spirit of Kusama. The main compartment of the purse is vast and contains all the daily usable items. The other small pockets that can hold keys, make up items, cards etc. To further increase usability, it is designed with a strap that is adjustable, and detachable so that it can be used as a cross-body, shoulder bag, or clutch depending on your preference.
On the specifics, the polka dot print is much more fitting and adds a degree of artistry to the monogram canvas. The gold hardware also gives each piece a rather nice touch of the elite. The contrast stitching and engraved LV logos remind the quality and work on this series. This is best collection for LV and Kusama followers.
Last but not the least, the Louis Vuitton x YK Multi Pochette Accessoires Monogram collection is punk, futuristic as well as functional, artistic accessories. And it is suitable for anyone who wanna use it on any occasion.
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